Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Ramblings of an Overly Tired Mind...

In the past, I have run businesses for other people.  Worked in commission-based environments where it imperative to manage/develop a clientele. Maintain relationships with people.


As I approach the end of my First full year of running DeAndreaDesigns as an actual brick and mortar store, I wonder why it has been so difficult for me to call myself a “Business Owner”?

I have finally gotten used to referring to myself as an “Artist”-that one took a very long time.  “Jewelry Designer” came along a little more easily. It was easy-very easy- to say I made Jewelry in my spare time, as a hobby.  It was said with Pride, almost boastful, I am ashamed to say.

But why the problem with identifying as “Business Owner” or “Artist”?  Even though I know that is what I am.
No lack of Confidence here...
Ruby Pendant and RubyQuartz Earrings
“Artist” sounded pretentious to my ear.  But, honestly, it was a lack of confidence in My Art...Was.

“Business Owner” sounds like I am putting on airs when I know that I have to continue to wait tables to make sure all the bills are paid on time.  I guess I get tired of answering the question of “why I am waiting tables if I own a store?”

In the past I was a waiter full-time who played with making jewelry. Mostly just as a hobby.  TODAY, I am a Business Owner trying to get established in a hostile economy while waiting tables on the side.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sparkle Between a Rock and a Hard Place

In everyone’s Life there are days that make us look back to see how far we have come. To look inside to see how much we have Grown. To look around and see where we are going.

Today is one of those days. It is my Birthday. I am 44 today.  How it happened that I am suddenly in my mid 40’s, I have no idea. Honestly, I would not trade it for anything-well, I might trade away waking up without all the creaks and cracks.

A lot has happened in the last 2 years that have brought to this point in my Life.  Some of them devastating at the time, but each and every event exactly what I needed to be sitting right here where I am.   In my own Store, surrounded by my Creations and New Inspiration Daily

I will start with the best.  I have to go back a little over 3 years for this one. I met my Partner-a Wonderfully Supportive person that allows me to be more than a little controlling, more than a little neurotic.  I would not have survived this well without Him.

New Home of DeAndreaDesigns and Me
Now for the two Biggies that could have destroyed me if I had not fought and looked for the Silver Lining...
In order...
First, a year and a half ago, our Home was broken into, ransacked, burglarized. Not just once, but 3 times in the space of a Month...This got us to move to Mt Washington and see potential of such a Vibrant Neighborhood. Creating a Home in an area of the City that I would never have looked at before
Secondly, I lost my job unexpectedly-it happens to everyone. I always put off opening my Store because I did not want to give up the Security of a steady paycheck.  Guess what?  I did not have one anymore.  With the help of a Friend in the Community Development Corporation of Mt Washington, I found this Perfect abandoned space and made it all my own.

I could have sat and wallowed “Woe is me” and just moved into another apartment, in a neighborhood that I was comfortable in...Nope, we made a Home again.

I could have gone and found another well paying Retail Management Job and put off my Dream until I had what I thought was enough money to open the Store...Nope, I listened to the Universe and CREATED my Dream.

Now, with a new year dawning, I have the opportunity to bring together my HomeLife and My Art. The Construction has begun on the New Home of DeAndreaDesigns and myself. A gorgeous Live/Work space perfect for the Store and Entertaining. Perfect for me to Chill, Relax, and be surrounded by all that makes me Happy.

Although I still have to wait tables at night to make ends meet, and I still cannot travel to all those Exotic Locales that you, my readers, live.  I would not change the Struggles, the Catastrophes, and ultimately the Triumphs...

I am truly able to “Sparkle Between a Rock and a Hard Place”.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Merry Christmas? Happy Holidays?

I am going to start with saying, I was brought up-and still consider myself Catholic. I have no problems with saying “Merry Christmas”.
I was brought up saying “Merry Christmas” to most and “Happy Hanukah” to those I knew to be Jewish. Only one person that I remember had an issue with “Merry Christmas”.

Happy Holidays from DeAndreaDesigns
That being said, I now say, “Happy Holidays” to most people.
BUT I will take my cue from you...If you say, “Merry Christmas” so will I.
If you say, “Happy Holidays” that is what I will respond with.
NOT because I am worried about offending someone, but because I want to encompass the ENTIRE Holiday Season.

From Halloween, to Valentine’s Day-or pushing it through to St. Patrick’s Day, and everything in between no matter what religious affiliation you are-or are not.

I Love this time of year. Not only because of the Birth of Jesus-and yes I know that with the Study of the Stars, Jesus was born in Summer-but the essence of Good Will and Celebration that permeates this time of year.
Also because the weather is changing so that I can break out my favorite sweaters, boots, and coats...
Everything is so Sparkly-the lights, the frost, the snowflakes...
People seem to remember to be pleasant to one another-whether it is genuine or not? I don’t care. It is still nice.

The Holiday Season seems to bring out the Best in most people.

So if I see you on the Street and tell you “Have a Happy Holiday” please do not be offended-or think I am too PC...I just want you to enjoy the Season completely.

From the start of this Season until the end of it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holiday Kick-Off

Another week is drawing to a close.

It is really remarkable how quickly these weeks go by. Before we know it Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice will be upon us.

Friday Night I am going to be taking a night off from waiting tables to Celebrate my First “Holiday Kick-Off Sale”. I chose this particular night because it is the City of Pittsburgh’s official start of the Holiday Season, celebrated with events all over the City and culminating with Fireworks. As a draw to my Event I did “spin” that a little, saying that the City was providing Fireworks after my Event...LOL...I figure it is the least that they can do, seeing how I am obligating myself to stay in Pittsburgh for at least another year.

Somedays, it takes everything I have not to run down to the Amtrak station with my Jewelry and Display stands-and only my Favorite Jeans, Sweaters, and Boots-and head anywhere West.  Then I realize that I am not 25 anymore and that I really want to make DeAndreaDesigns, the Store, a success before deciding what the next step is in my plan of World Domination-well I would settle for paying the bills without having to rely on a restaurant to help.

I think my mind is wandering again.

It will happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but no matter how long it is going to take I am in it for the long haul. AND I am going to Love being able to sleep all night long-or rather staying home all night, or going out because I want to not because I have to.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Citrine...A Gift from the Sun

Citrine with Button Pearls and Swarovski 
November is here already.
New Month. New Birthstone...CITRINE

This month’s Stone is a “Gift from the Sun”.  Now I came across  that reference a couple of times, but never with any explanation of it’s origins.  So I am going to make something up.

I figure that it is because of the Gorgeous Golden tones of a Citrine are so reminiscent of the Sun, and much needed on these shorter colder November afternoons.

Also know as the "Merchant Stone”, legend has it that Citrine has the ability to attract money through sales. If you are to keep a Citrine in a cash box, your wealth is sure to increase.
Guess what I keep in my cash register?
That is right, a Beautiful Golden Citrine.
I suppose it is working, as I still have my doors open.  There is no way that I am not going to risk taking it out of there.  However,  I am also still in need of waiting tables overnight.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Mind Wanders

As I sit here in my empty Store this afternoon, looking out at the Cold Dreary Autumn Afternoon, I am wondering what this Winter has in store for me.

Pittsburghers are used to Cold and Dreary, but the first couple of days aways sends us to hibernation mode. Once we get used to it-or get our first taste of Snow, we realize it is not going to kill us. Besides if we stayed in every time the weather was a little uncooperative, we would NEVER leave our houses.

In the mean time I sit here all alone.
Is the construction of the new space ever going to finish so that I can move in?
Will I have to continue to wait tables overnight for an extended period of time to ensure the bills get paid on time?
Will my Internet sales pick up so that I am spending more time going back and forth to the Post Office?

Back to those bills-not such a big stack really, but big enough.
Fantasy kicks in. What will it take to allow me to stop waiting tables-can you tell that is one of my goals?

Allow me to focus completely on growing my Brand, but would either help to appreciate the Struggle of doing it on my own?

A PowerBall Win? 
A Gift from a Stranger?
Either would do it, and do it painlessly.

I have always said that if something comes too easily, you will ultimately take it for granted. So those solutions also scare me a bit.
That does not mean, however,  that I would not accept that Stranger’s Gift, or run to Harrisburg to collect my winnings.

I am just sitting here lost in the maze of my mind...

What would I do?
How do I do it?
What’s for dinner?
What is the meaning of Life-Yeah sometimes my mind takes a strange turn...LOL

Monday, October 17, 2011

You Will Reap What You Sow

“Reap what you Sow”...Those were the words that kept echoing through my dreams this evening.

I try my best to run a Business the way that I believe a Business should be run. With Customer Satisfaction as my Goal, not the bottom line-although I realize that is important as well.

I actually like when people come into the Store complete strangers, drawn for some inexplicable reason through my doors, yet leave a Friend-someone that will come back not only because they like my Jewelry and Art.  They return because they trust me, and enjoyed my company.

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” Galatians6:7-8

There are many out there that are Good, Genuine, Trustworthy, Appreciative of a Smile.   For these people, I do what I do.  
I am reminded of one lady in particular. She walked in DeAndreaDesigns a few weeks ago while on here walk, looked around. We started chatting. She stayed for 45 minutes and stops in Every Saturday, just to say “HI”.  The other day I met her Granddaughter, she did not want to leave.
This is why I do what I do.

There are people out there that are just out for themselves, and I feel sorry for them as they will always be wanting...I know they will try to take advantage of the way I run my Business, but you know what...I am going to continue to do things the way that I have been doing them.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Personal Style Part 2

Today I was talking with a friend, and she told me that I was creating a Monster-those were not the actual words that she used, but they could be considered inappropriate to some, although Funny. She said she was dressed to go out.  Looking Good.  Feeling Great.  Then she realized that she did not have a necklace to match what she was wearing.

This lead to a conversation about some of the women that come into DeAndreaDesigns and tell me that even though they LOVE my work they never wear Jewelry.  Or just plain do not have anywhere to wear something so Nice. I won’t bore you with anymore of our conversation.

Yes, I would LOVE to convert all of these women into the type of woman that has a Jewelry wardrobe that completely compliments their Clothing Wardrobe.  I do also understand that for many women that is just not an option, financially among other reasons. That is why I propose to these women that purchasing a single Signature Piece-something that defines YOU. 

Something that you will feel comfortable wearing Everyday, with Everything. 
Orange Sapphire by DeAndreaDesigns

I say start with a basic Silver Chain-and, yes, I am going to use my Jewelry as examples. Pair it with a Pendant that is Classic enough to wear with BlueJeans, yet Dressy enough to wear out with you Significant Other-or on the hunt for them. Make it the first thing you put on and the last thing that you take off. 

Doing this will give you a little more Sparkle to your personality, a little more confidence, a bit more “swagga" if you like.  You will become so accustomed to that extra bling that you will feel naked without.

And, eventually, you will want something to wear with that new blouse. Take that same Silver Chain and change the Pendant.  Simple as that.

Remember that if you cannot match the color, or do not feel comfortable with matching, choose something that is the exact OPPOSITE in color-i.e. Blue Blouse, Bright Orange Sapphire Necklace.

FineSilver Wrapped Opal Pendant
You will be amazed at how easy it is. How much FUN it is.  AND how relatively inexpensive it is.

Also, if you cannot afford a new wardrobe every year, change your earrings and necklace. This simple addition will spice up those pieces that you used to love but have grown a little weary of.  Add a Large Opal on Satin Cording to your Winter Turtlenecks.

And for all you women that say that you have nowhere to wear you Jewelry. I offer this to you little tidbit...My Mother wears Diamond Earrings-large enough to choke a horse-everyday to drive a school bus.

A PERFECT example of Signature Style.

AND I NEVER take off my WhiteTopaz Necklace-easily 5x larger than Mom’s Diamonds. 

Work, Fun, Scrubbing Toilets. All day. Everyday.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

3AM Sunday Morning Revelation

Another night where there are just too many ideas, thoughts, Dreams floating around in my head. I used to hate that. I would get frustrated that it was keeping me awake. There are still nights that I do get frustrated-especially when it is about bills and mundane everyday stuff.  However, I have learned that even those nights are to be embraced.   They are the catalyst for working towards finally achieving Peace.

It does not matter where you begin, ONLY that you begin. Once you set out on your Journey you must follow all the twists and turns of that Path.  Roll along with all the bumps.  Experience any setbacks as though they as the catapult tightening up to propel you to the next level.

If you can do this, something inherently Beautiful starts to take shape...Inner Peace, Tranquility, Happiness starts to take hold inside. AND even better people begin to see it. They want to be a part of it.

I have always thought that this came through in my designs, but now I want to make sure that it does.

DeAndreaDesigns Logo to immortalized in Twisted Silver

I have been trying to come up with a way to bring together my Logo, my Silver, and my wrapping into a Signature.  Like Gucci’s iconic “G”. Fendi’s “F”. Chanel’s “C”.  When you see their logo you know EXACTLY what you are seeing.  Somebody’s Dream come to fruition.
I do not pretend to be on the same level as those PowerHouses of Design. But maybe,  just Maybe Someday I will be. 

Tomorrow-technically later this morning-I am going to go into the Store and start playing with my Wire. I think that I have finally figured out how to meld MY Dream into my own Iconic Signature.

The challenge will be interpreting my sketches

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

OPAL-Tangible Rainbows

I have no idea where the month of September went.
Suddenly it is cooler and the leaves are changing colors-there was even snow in the mountains not too far from here the other day.
Boulder Opal wrapped in FineSilver

Yes, October is here.  And with October comes a new Birthstone. It is actually the perfect birthstone for this month as the leaves change, and we see color everywhere.  Opals have within them all the colors of the rainbow locked within.

Many Ancient Cultures have revered Opal.

Ancient Romans believed that Opals contained all of the light of Precious Gemstones within...

“You will see the living Fire of Ruby,
Glorious Purple of Amethyst, 
Sea Green of Emerald, 
all glittering together in an incredible mixture of light.”
                                                                     Pliny, 200BC

Australian Aborigines believed that the Creator came to Earth with a Message of Peace.  Walking upon a Rainbow Road, every place that his foot touched the ground small tangible pieces of that Rainbow Road were left.  There must have been locations where the Creator lingered longer than others.  These Opal Outcroppings became sacred spots to the Aborigines.

Throughout History Opals have been prized for their flashes of Color.
As a Stone of HOPE.
As a Stone of FORTUNE.
A Symbol of PURITY.

Whether your Birthstone or not a definite must have for any Collector of Gems/Jewelry.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Cannot Sleep-Not Always A Bad Thing

Monday Morning...4:47AM to be exact, and I cannot sleep.

There is an idea formulating in my head utilizing the latest wrapping technique-that I am LOVING-and incorporating it into a ring.  I have been thinking about it for about a week now, but the specifics are just starting to come through.
7ct BlueTopaz and Twisted FineSilver
I am not the type of Artist/Designer that can sketch out my designs whenever they come to me and then revisit at a later date.

It is a case of use it or lose it.

I have tried sketching designs for myself that come in the middle of the night.  
I used to have a “Dream Diary” that I would record-or try to record-ideas and sketches in. It did not work. In the morning it all looked like a mass of meaningless squiggles.
Or, I would have gone to the Studio/spare bedroom to work it out, but since I have opened the DeAndeaDesigns and moved all my supplies there, that is not an option.
I have to try to keep the idea fresh in my head until I can get to the Store to experiment. Even then it is not a guarantee, as I cannot force a Design until it is ready.

NOPE. Sketching Jewelry Design Ideas does not work for me.

In some ways it is like giving birth without the weight gain, swollen ankles, or LaborPains...There are sometimes weird cravings, though. AND sleeplessness until it is ready.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Doing what I Have To

I have been working Nights and Weekends outside the store.  Actually waiting tables to help bridge the gap until I become a Destination in the Neighborhood.
As far as the work itself goes, it is not difficult. The hours are rough, but I have yet to feel a drain on my energy within the Store.
Even though, I am getting only a few hours sleep before each shift, I am still in the Store at my appointed hours.
Still working on New Pieces of Jewelry, AND New Designs.
“Twisted” FineSilver, GreyPearl Necklace.
Still putting the time in after hours to work on the Website and Social Media-Facebooking, Tweeting etc...
Still holding Special Events in the Store.
Private Parties.
Participating in Neighborhood Promotions.

I am gonna do whatever I have to make this adventure succeed, and someday I won’t have to work in a restaurant-especially 11P-7A and be Bright-eyed and Bushy-Tailed for my time at the Store.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SRI LANKA-“Old Fathiful” of Sapphire Production

I had started researching Famous Large Sapphires-I Love it when “research” involves reading about intrigue, drama and History.  What I soon discovered was that many of the Largest Sapphires known to Man today originated in Sri Lanka.

I remember hearing the term “Ceylon Sapphires”-and, yes, I realize I am dating myself-and thought it only referred to the Color of the Stone. They were always so Beautiful.

Princess Di’s Engagement Ring



I did not realize that it referred to the origin of the Stone itself. Ceylon becoming Sri Lanka in 1972.

OK. So back to Large Sapphires.
I found that the largest piece of Rough material, a WHOPPING 42 pounds, was found in Sri Lanka.
The Blue Giant of the Orient, 466 ct
The Logan Blue Sapphire, 422.99 ct
The Blue Belle of the Orient, 400 ct
ALL found in Sri Lanka.
So these are all Famous Stones that have been known for quite awhile, but it got me to thinking about where Today’s Sapphires are coming from.
This is what I found...

Kasmir, which has historically produced MANY large Noteworthy Gems, has not been producing anything since the 1920’s.

Burma has decided to focus on the more plentiful Rubies that abound there.

Pallin, in Cambodia, is just too troubled of a region to rely upon for Gem production.

Thailand’s Katchanaburi region has been mined out.

And, finally Madagascar, which was promising.  The miners have been asked to leave...WHY?

That leaves Sri Lanka. And with technological advances, a lot of the sapphire material that in the past was considered not worth much of anything, can now be utilized, Gem-Quality Valuable Sapphire.
Keeping former Ceylon, the “Old Faithful” of Sapphire Production...Steady and Reliable.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SAPPHIRE...A Stone of the Heavens

September’s Birthstone is Sapphire. A Corundum.

Most people think of Sapphire as only coming in that Gorgeous Cornflower Blue Color.  Actually it comes in a variety of colors from Clear, white, to Greens, Yellows, Pinks and Reds-however RED Corundums are called Rubies.  There are even Sapphires that will change color depending upon the lighting-maybe that is where the myth of Sapphires telling of one partners fidelity, or lack of, by changing color when one cheated...

Sapphires have been prized by Rulers since about 800BC. Believed to bring Wisdom, Good Fortune, Sincerity, and Faithfulness to the possessor, is it any wonder that many Countries Crown Jewels and Collections include numerous Sapphires?

For Spiritual Leaders, Sapphires are said to be a Stone of the Heavens-A reflection of Divine Favor.
A Guardian of Innocence.
A Preserver of Chastity.
A Banisher of Evil.
The 10 Commandments were said to be written on tablets of Sapphire-now that is Divine Favor.

Today, you only need to Rule your own Life to possess a Sapphire. Us commoners can allow Sapphires to bestow upon us, what was once only for the Rich and Powerful.

Orange Sapphire FineSilver Pendant
But what Color Sapphire do you want to own?
Sapphire Heart FineSilver Ring
Sapphire Cluster FineSilver Bracelet

BLUE......For Love and Purity.
                 Also Facilitates Self-Expression.
YELLOW.To attract Wealth and Prosperity to your Home
                   Also leads to the Fulfillment of your Ambitions
BLACK....For Centering and Grounding
                  Aids in Achieving Confidence in your own Intuition
PINK......To Clear away Emotional Baggage
                Bringer of Peace and Unconditional Love
WHITE...For Extreme Protection
                Focuses Morality and Justice
INDIGO..To enhance Psychic Awareness
                Eliminates Negative Energies
GREEN...To bring about Loyalty and Fidelity
                Improves Internal and External Vision

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ANOTHER FEAR-Not quite conquered, but faced

It has been almost a month since I last posted anything.
I knew I had been busier this month, but just did not realize how busy.
Last month, I found, was a Fluke. A convergence of negative energies, and poor choices. All of which resulted in insecurities and poor sales.
I am learning that I can deal with the poor sales better than the insecurities.

I have never been the type to ask for help, but once I put out that I needed a little help-and without realizing that I had.  Help arrived.
Friends and Family rallied around me,  just reminding me, well, of who I am.

I just needed to know that people still believed in my Dream as much as I did to reinvigorate my Passion.

One of the Lessons that I am learning being a Business Owner is that...
No one person can do everything on their own.
Always believing that I can do it better on my own. That my way is the Best way, if not the ONLY way.  Well, that bubble has been burst. I do need help from time to time-Everyone does.

That does not  mean that I don’t still want to know how to do everything. That I won’t try to do it on my own, but I am not as afraid to ask for help. I am sure that there quite a few things that I am doing that may be done better. Or things that I am just missing out on, and when I find them I will not hesitate to ask.

Peridot Pendant by  DeAndreaDesigns
Another outcome of all of this?
While trying to control everything, I have been able to adapt one of my wrapping techniques to accommodate much smaller Stones. Ones that I thought I would just have sitting around looking pretty. Now there is one less thing that I feel that I cannot handle.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Rent is Paid for Another Month

July was a rough month.

6ct Peridot with FineSilver Bezel
I was always told that July and August were the 2 slowest months of the year.  
With Families wanting to spend time together before the kids head bak to school, and so many outdoor activities, it is little wonder. And, even though, I have worked retail for more years than I care to recall, I somehow forgot JUST HOW SLOW it can be.
Pair that with a failed PT job that cut into the hours I had available to be in the Store, is it little wonder that I laid awake in bed many nights just wondering how the bills were going to be paid?

I started to question whether I should really be trying to do this right now.
The Economy-or lack of one-being on the News every night only helped to reinforce the idea that the timing was not right.

I have no back-up plan.
I have no resources to fall back on if I don’t sell enough.
I really am taking a Leap of Faith.

Those nights in bed just lying there awake can be cruel. I questioned everything.

But during the light of day, while I was in the Store-oftentimes all alone-I KNEW this was the Right Thing to be doing, and at the Right Time.
Family and Best Friends rallied around me-without realizing they were. They are truly my Angels.

I decided to ignore those voices that were keeping me awake at night.

Lo and behold, I found my strength again. My Faith.
I went back to a former employer, got a job waiting tables that, while I am going to be exhausted, will not cut into Store hours at all.
I followed up on a sales prospect that I thought was dead-not dead just lost.
I have been adding more and more items to my Website,

While August is looking up-definitely better than July-there is still a long way to go.
But the Rent is paid for another month.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

PERIDOT-A Gift from Mother Nature

It is difficult to believe that it is time to do another Birthstone blog. Time is just going too fast.

Wear a Peridot or for thee,
No conjugal fidelity,
The August born without this Stone
’Tis said, must live unloved and alone
Like a gift from Mother Nature herself, Peridot has that color of new sprouts of Spring growth.

It may be, however, a Gift from elsewhere. Peridot is one of the only Gemstones-if not the only one-to be found within Meteorites.  It is also formed by volcanic action, and most of the World’s Peridot will be found in areas of greater seismic activity.

Maybe it is because of these Earthly upheavals that Ancient People from all over attribute to Peridot the attributes of calming anger and dispelling negative Emotions.  Think about it. If you find Peridot AFTER an eruption or earthquake, it can easily be thought that Mother Nature, or some other Diety, sprinkled the Peridot to stop the activity...Just a theory of mine.

Although not one of the most favorite of all Gemstones, Peridot have been prized since the 2nd century BC.  Sometimes because they have been confused for Emeralds, but often times valued for their own Beauty.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mogok Valley, Myanmar...Home of the Finest Rubies

Through jungles, over mountains, Hilltribe Villages and farmland, arriving at the Mogok Valley is no easy task. So why do almost 500,000 people live here?
Rubies and Sapphires. Of course.

One of the Best of the Best was found on 30-June1919, just 2 days after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles to end WWI.  To bring about an era of Peace and Prosperity this 42ct Rough Ruby Crystal was named “The Peace Ruby”-an absolutely stunning specimen of Pigeon’s Blood Red and only a minor crack in the stone.  

From Mogok the stone traveled to Bombay where it was cut and polished into a Perfect Round Brilliant Stone of 25ct. The next stop for the Peace Ruby was Paris where it was sold to an unknown American, for an unknown amount.  Its whereabouts are not known to this day.

For at least the last 5000 years people have been living in the Valley, and finding some of the Finest Stones imaginable. Separating rough Gemstones from ordinary stones and dirt, by harnessing the power of water.  
We have all seen images of Prospectors panning for Gold, knee-deep in a river. The same techniques have been used for Gems for generations of generations.
A back breaking business it is. To this day many Families still use this same technique. Dad collects the material to be sifted through, and Mom and the children will go through the dirt and stones looking for the telltale glints of Color to signify a potentially Fine-hopefully-Gemstones.
“Kanase” still exists. Anyone is permitted to look through the cast off Material.  Hoping against Hope that Mom missed something valuable.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Doing Exactly What I Never Realized I Wanted To

So any of you that have opened a new business know that you have NEVER worked harder for any other boss in your life.  I keep joking with my Friends that I "have to ask the Boss, he can be really Strict”, or “My Boss is a real stickler for the details”....

They have no idea that I REALLY AM.

We make jokes about trying to placate the Boss, Bribe him with this or that. And, yes, if you have been reading along on this adventure of mine, you know that I have enjoyed the Freedom of being in charge, but that I have also had to get used to not answering to anyone. I keep expecting someone to tap me on the shoulder when I am not busy.

I have had Friends come by with bottles of wine on Friday Evenings before closing, and we would open it right then and there.

I have closed the Store to go have lunch with Friends, and gotten carried away with talking that I completely forget what time it is.

BUT on the flip side. I am awake until all hours of the night trying to think of new ideas for the Store-I don’t force the Creative Part, that comes when it comes-always thinking of new ways of promoting the Store, and how to maximize the promoting I have already started.

On top of that, I have just started a PT job that is going to help free up a little bit of money for more supplies, AND the next step of DeAndreaDesigns.

Private Parties-in house or traveling, Jewelry Brunches, Something for the guys to make it easier for Holiday Shopping...FaceBook, Twitter, Online Stores, Website, Blogging, Meeting the Neighbors, Pairing with other local Businesses...AND the list goes on and on.

I have no idea when I am going actually have any down time, but you know what?

I am LOVING everything that I am doing right now.

I would not change any of it.

I am doing exactly what I never realized I wanted...Until I started doing it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

12 Gemstones of the Bible...And Birth Stones.

As I do my research on the Properties, Histories and Myths of Gemstones, I am met, more often than not, with a phrase that reads “One of the 12 Stones of the Bible”.  Or something to that effect.
And Every time I see that phrase, I tell myself, "I am going to find out what that means”

Well, guess what. I finally did.

I wonder if anyone will ever really, TRULY, know which 12 Stones were listed in the Bible?  With translations of translations of translations, I was able to find at least 6 different list of the Stones, but here goes my best attempt.

The Stones we are talking about are from Aaron’s Breastplate of Judgement (or Decision, again depending on your translation).  Aaron was the brother of Moses and father of 12 sons, each becoming heads of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Aaron was instructed by God to create a Breastplate of very specific dimension, and using very specific materials.  4 rows with 3 Gemstones in each to be worn over the Heart, each inscribed with the name of one of his sons.

                                   “Whenever Aaron enters the holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over his heart on the breast piece of decision as a continuing memorial before the LORD.” Exodus 28:29

Gemstones of Biblical times were often named by the color alone of the stones, or the Country of Origin of the Stones.  This alone would make identification of the stones much more difficult.
I am going to go with the New International Version’s list-for no particular reason other than it was the first of many that I looked at.

Row1 Ruby, Topaz, Beryl
Row2 Turquoise, Sapphire, Emerald
Row3 Jacinth, Agate, Amethyst
Row4 Chrysolite, Onyx, Jasper

Some Scholars have gone so far as to say that the Stones of Aaron’s Breastplate are the basis for our 12 Birthstones...Interesting, I see some of the same stones, but how do you make that leap? Well, I will tackle that one for you as well.

The Descendants of Aaron, the High Priests, would communicate with God thru his appointed Gem. Over time each stone was imbued with specific properties, and individuals started to wear a Gem on his breast to receive their own Heavenly Blessing. Whether it was Peace and Tranquility, Strength and Courage, or Protection from Disease or Illness, Common man was able to be Blessed directly.

Just as our Birthstones rain down their Blessings on us, the Gemstones of the Bible did so from God...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rosser Reeves Star Ruby-Largest and Finest

What is a Star Ruby?
What causes the Star effect?

A Star Ruby is usually cut and polished as a cabochon-flat base, rounded smooth top. Deposits of Titanium Oxide are found within the Corundum-Ruby or Sapphire-and typically arrange themselves such that when light enters the stone and is reflected around an Asterism or Star Pattern is seen. Most usually 6 pointed, but sometimes 12 points are possible.  The Titanium Oxide is not only responsible for the asterism but also adds to the silkiness and translucency of the Ruby-or Sapphire.

Rosser Reeves Star Ruby 138.7 cts

This particular Star Ruby is a relatively recent find. Not much is known about it before 1950 when it was purchased for Paul Fisher by his Father.
Most believe it to have originated in Sri Lanka where most of the best quality Star Rubies are from, and more specifically from the Kaler Ganga River.
More speculation gives it about 50-100yrs of existence prior to its emergence in the London Gem Markets, probably passing from hand to hand by Wealthy Europeans.
But that is all speculation.
What we do know is that Rosser Reeves purchased this Star Ruby in 1953 with a star that was mis-centered and  heavily scratched. He proceeded to have it re-polished so that the star was centered and the Stone was smooth. Going from 140 cts to its now 138.7 carat weight.
We also know that Mr Reeves carried “His Baby” around in his pocket as a Lucky Stone, he so hated to be parted from the Stone.
Unlike other large stones, no drama or intrigue.  Just the appreciation of a Beautiful Stone.
Then in 1965 he and his wife donated the stone to the Smithsonian so that others could enjoy it’s Beauty.

And what to look for when buying a Star Ruby?

     1. A centered asterism-I like that word.
     2. A Sharp and well-defined asterism.
     3. A silvery white asterism.
     4. The arms of the star should reach all the way to the base of the Ruby.
     5. Desirable Color and Translucency of the Stone itself.

FYI. Over $25 Million for this Particular Stone.

Good Luck finding all of this in a single stone, but now you know what you are looking for...

Friday, July 1, 2011

My First Private Event

Champagne and wine chilling.  Glasses were clean.
Strawberries cleaned. Dip ready.
Everything was cleaned, dusted and swept.

Table and chairs outside for smokers.
Displays tweaked-Again.
Workspace cleared.

I even rechecked the outside paint job to make sure there was not anything that needed touched-up.  Good thing it was all good,  because I was not dressed for painting.

I even cleaned MY Jewelry.

There was nothing to do except wait for the Ladies to arrive.
And Arrive they did. In a whirlwind, 8 Women descended on the Store.
Tried on Everything.
Partook of the Champagne, Wine and Strawberries.
Everyone left with something Special that they felt they just could not live without...And with tweaks on pieces to make them even MORE Perfect, I had my work cut out for me in the morning.

Then off to Dinner at the GeorgeTown overlooking Down Town Pittsburgh with the Ladies.

Beautiful Women.
Beautiful Jewelry.
Beautiful View.
Could not ask for a More Perfect Night-well maybe if we had had the Fireworks pictured.

We did not have the Fireworks, but this is My Home.
As perfect as the night was, I was so excited to get back into the Store this morning to see how much reworking of the Displays I had to do. I was so caught up in the excitement that I could not remember all that was purchased, but I did remember that I had a couple of special projects to get to.

I had so much fun. I cannot wait to do more of these Private Parties

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

RUBIES-The King of Gems

As June winds down, July ramps up and I find myself with a busy weekend ahead, I figured I had better Blog July’s Birthstone a couple days early...

For 4500 years this Red Gemstone has attracted Royalty, Religion and Regular People.

Ancient Peoples thought that the Gods had created Rubies and were so awed but their beauty, they had to create Man so their accomplishments could be admired...And I thought I was proud of my work.

Since then Mankind has been fascinated by Rubies.
Another Myth has Rubies containing a drop of Blood from the Heart of Mother Earth, an Internal Flame that just could not be extinguished.

Perhaps this is why many couples chose a Ruby for their engagement Ring? Well, the Inextinguishable Flame and the promise of  Everlasting Love that a Ruby is supposed to bring.

While not one of my Favorite Gemstones, there is no denying that Rubies have an allure that cannot be duplicated by any other Stone.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More Art Market Days

So Saturday was a HUGE Success!!!

Perfect Location-Beautiful Jewelry with the CityScape at my back.
I met quite a few new people that had no idea that DeAndreaDesigns was in existence. Met more that had heard of me, but did not know exactly where I was located-Shioh St on Mt Washington runs 3 blocks, yet for some reason few if any people walk that final 75 ft where I am located.

Between the selection of Jewelry that I brought with me to sell/intrigue and telling people about how I Spray Painted the outside of the Store Silver, I should have a lot of Mt Washington Residents talking and walking.

I was able to book another Art Market Event for this weekend coming up.
I have a Private Party-A Ladies Night Out-in the Store Thursday Evening.

Gotta get my Face and Name out there-let people get to know the Personality behind the Jewelry as well.
The next few days are going to be relatively busy, but I love it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Return to Art Market Days

As I sit in the Store this afternoon and look around I am amazed at the number of Pieces of Jewelry that I have created to fill the space.  A far cry from those days when I had an 8ft folding table to fill.

I am reminiscing because tomorrow afternoon is a return to those days.
This will be my View Tomorrow Afternoon.
Community Market Days.  A celebration of Mt Washington Residents and Businesses-I am both, so it is a great time to get to know my neighbors. BUT I have to limit myself to a 6 ft table-not even 8ft.

I want a good representation of my Jewelry, of course.
I just wish I knew who was going to show up.

WIll it be the Younger Hipper New Money Crowd?
Will it be the Older more Conservative Old Money Group?
Or is it going to be more of the Young Families that show up?

6 ft of table space is just not enough to truly show ALL that I do so the Personality gets turned on-not that it is ever turned off-and I MAKE SURE that everyone knows just where my store is located.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice

Yesterday was the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and the First day of Summer.

Here in Pittsburgh it was almost 90 degrees and Humid. It reminded me of an August that I sent in Mexico, but luckily then I had the Ocean and Pools to keep me cool...And a lot of shopping for Gems. I picked up a lot of stones while I was there, and fell in love with BIG Stones and the Designs that incorporated them.

Smokey Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst...I could keep going on and on. But the one stone that, when I look at, takes me back to that time is a Mexican Fire Opal. I did not but any while I was there as they were already set and just outside of my price range. AND I was not making Jewelry seriously at that time, only collecting Sparkly Bits of Gorgeous.

8x10mm Mexican Fire Opal in Twisted FineSilver...Ring sz 11
Completely untreated by man-other than cut and polished-Mexican Fire Opals remind me of that Perfect Summer Day. Hot.  Sun Blazing so bright that if you look at it too long you know you will be in trouble, yet you cannot stop looking.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If Only We Lived in a Perfect World

But, alas, we do not.

My Dream has always been to create the Most Beautiful Jewelry that I possibly can.

It has always been about the Art.

It never involved making TONS of money.

Even now, when the Store HAS to bring a certain amount of money every month, I still get more satisfaction from a smile.

When that Ring Fit
When that Necklace is the Perfect Shade
I Wish I could pay the Bills with my Customers Smiles.

I know I cannot.

Those smiles, however, do Inspire me to continue doing what I do.

I LOVE seeing how Happy my Customers are when they leave with their purchase.

BUT do they realize just how HAPPY I AM because of them?

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Birth of a Pearl

Pearls are one of the only Gemstones that are created in our lifetime.  It takes as little 8 months to create a Gem-Quality Pearl...AND THEY ARE REAL!!!!
Freshwater Pearls.
Akoya Pearls
South Sea Pearls
Tahitian Pearls.
All are Cultured.  A small piece of foreign material is inserted into the mollusk to start the creation of a Pearl. Yes, it does happen naturally in the wild, but Natural Pearls account for less than .001% of the Pearls available for sale today.

So how does it happen?
In Salt Water Pearls a small Mother of Pearl, MOP, bead is inserted into the gonad of the mollusk along with a piece of tissue from a donor mollusk to help stimulate nacre production, the process of nucleation. Layer upon layer until the Pearl is harvested.  Fresh water Pearls are nucleated just a bit of tissue.

Sounds easy. Put something into a Mollusk and then in a matter of months or years you have a Pearl.

Not quite. Even though this is a completely natural process for the Mollusk, there is the possibility of rejection, sickness and even Death of the Mollusk.  Pollution, Storms, excessive heat-or cold, and disease can all also have an effect on Pearl Production. Even destroy an entire Harvest.

The Harvesting Process involves an incision being made and removing the Pearls. South Sea and Tahitian Pearl producing mollusks are saved for further Harvests. The remaining mollusks are used for their meat or other products.

If the process is the same for both Salt Water and Freshwater Pearls, why are Salt Water Pearls so much more expensive than Freshwater Pearls?

A Salt Water Pearl producing mollusk is nucleated once maybe twice per Harvest.
South Sea and Tahitian experience 1 nucleation.
Freshwater Pearls produce 24 to 36 Pearls per Harvest.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cleopatra's Pearl Banquet

Legend has it that Cleopatra beat Marc Anthony in a wager. Who can throw the most expensive dinner party?  And subsequently won his Heart.

To show Egypt's continued Power and in a display of Wealth, Cleopatra accepted Marc Anthony's wager.

On board her Royal Barge, she sat at an empty plate and goblet of vinegar. Marc Anthony ate heartily, but proclaimed at the end of his meal that while enjoyable the meal did not surpass former Banquets. At this point, Cleopatra removed her Pearl Earring. Crushed it, and placed it into her goblet and drank it down.

Marc Anthony had no choice but to admit defeat. By Roman standards the single Pearl was valued at "10Million sesterces" or the "value of 15 Countries"

The Irony of Her actions?  In Egypt, Pearls were not terribly prized for their monetary value, but for their Beauty.

Cleopatra, not known as being "vulgar", did have a reputation for ostentation. Educated and Brilliant, she did what she felt she had to in order to save her Reign-and that of her children's.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

"The Ugliest Pearl in the World"

At 9.45 inches-yes INCHES-in diameter, and 14.1 pounds-yes POUNDS, the Pearl of Allah is also the Largest known Pearl.

Pearl of Allah

Most Pearls are formed in Oysters, yet all mollusks can create a pearl. Some not as pretty as others though. Clams do not layer the lustrous nacre over an irritant. "Clam Pearls"are more "porcellaneous", or porcelain-like. And are usually not round at all.

In 1934, Wilburn Cobb first heard of this HUGE Pearl and tried to buy it from a Tribal Chieftain on the Island of Palawan in the Philippines. He was turned down. Then in 1936, Cobb was GIFTED the Pearl out of gratitude for saving the same Chief's son from malaria.  He continued to own the Pearl until his death in 1979.

This is the story he told the Natural History Magazine.

In 1969, a "NEW" History of the Pearl came to light. More Fantastical.  More Mythical.  A True Chinese Artifact

According to Cobb he was approached by a gentleman, Mr Li, while the Pearl was on display. Li said that the "Pearl of Allah" was really the LOST "Pearl of Lao Tzu".

Myth says that this Pearl was grown from a much smaller Clam 2500 yrs ago when a Jade Amulet engraved with images of the Buddha and Confucius was implanted to create a Pearl that was to bring Peace and Harmony to all Mankind.  Over the years, legend has it that the Pearl was transferred to successively larger Clams as it outgrew it's host Clam.

Peace was not to be had, wars were fought over the Pearl, and in 1750 it was supposedly sent to the Philippines-still inside the Giant Clam-for safe keeping....And Lost at Sea.

While trying to retrieve a Giant Clam a young Muslim pearl diver was trapped by the Clam. When the body was recovered and the Clam opened, a pearl resembling the Image of Muhammad wearing a turban was revealed and worshipped.

There are a lot of signals that tell this story not to be true, BUT the story does help to drive the value of the Pearl...$93M in 2007

I am not going to go into any of the sordid, mundane details of the Pearl since Wilburn Cobb's passing. Just know that Wars-of a personal nature-continued to be fought over the "Pearl of Allah", or the lost "Pearl of Lao Tzu"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

PEARLS-"Tears from the Gods"

Yes, Ancient Cultures believed that Pearls were actually the hardened Tears from the Gods and Goddesses.
Among other myths, The Chinese believed that Pearls fell to the ground when Dragons were battling.
Ancient Arabs thought that the Moon lured Oysters to the surface and then swallowed dewdrops to then create Pearls.

The truth is just as Fantastical.
A grain of sand, or some other irritant is introduced into the sensitive lining of the Oyster Shell and to soothe that irritation, the Oyster coats layer upon layer of nacre over it. Thus creating the ONLY Gemstone to be made by an animal.

It is Ironic that this symbol of Purity, Chastity and Unblemished Perfection has been the instigator of wars amongst Persian, Arabian and Indian Rulers. They have all been known to go to War to control OysterBeds.

Having seen a Perfectly Round Lustrous Pearl it is not difficult to believe that they can bring about a sense of Calm, promote Faith, Loyalty, Truth, Purity and a sense of Goodwill.
Maybe this is why they have been traditional gifts for Brides, and 30th Anniversaries?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

StoreFront Inspiration

I just finished painting the Outside of my Storefront.

It took a VERY Long time to figure out the colors.

Finally, a Friend suggested I base my color choices on Gems.

DUH! Why did I not think of something so Obvious? I started looking around the Store to see which Stones I had laying around, pairing them together. Yet, I still could not find the Right combination, until my eyes fell onto a Necklace that I had done a few years ago.

Quite a few women-Friend' Moms-that would travel from HongKong or Taipei ALWAYS had strands of the most gorgeous Tahitian Pearls, Jade and Diamonds. This piece was inspired by them. I paired Chocolate Pearls, Jade and Swarovski Crystal.

This Necklace has always made me feel good.  Centered. Grounded.

What better inspiration for my Storefront Colors?

The colors Phantom Mist, Green Water, and Silver.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I am Grateful

So it appears that the Rapture is not going to occur.

I am not Mocking.

I am Grateful.

I am Grateful that I started DeAndreaDesigns when I did, just in case the Prophets were correct.

I am Grateful the Rapture has yet to occur, so that I can continue to follow my Dream. There is So much more to do with DeAndreaDesigns-A LOT of it unknown to even myself. BUT I am excited to see it to fruition.

My tiny storefront/studio is only the Beginning. Even if it does not grow beyond into a Larger Space, or multiple locations, or even Worldwide Recognition, I will continue to live for that look in a person's eyes when they try on that piece of Jewelry that Perfectly Compliments their own Personal Style. Or a piece of Jewelry that I was able to bring into existence that they have only been able to Dream about.

In short, I am Grateful for the Gifts that were bestowed on me, and the Ability to Share them with every one of you.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hooker Emerald Brooch

Large Emeralds are extremely rare.
Large Emeralds with few if any inclusions are VERY Rare.
Emerlads of this caliber can often be traced back to the time they were mined from the Earth.

The Muzo Mines of Columbia have a history of producing some of the BEST Emeralds known to man.
In 1815 Columbia gained it's Independence and Emerald mining fell to the State. State run Emerald Mining fell into disarray and confusion, yet a large rough crystal was discovered and sold to the head of the Ruling Family of the Ottoman Empire-Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

The Sultan had the Stone cut and polished to be worn as the center piece of his Belt Buckle.
He spent his 33 years as a Dictator with an Iron Fist-Building Railroads, Reforming the Education System and Expanding the Telegraph System. However, the younger generations were not happy with his Rule. Noting the writing on the wall, the Sultan had his Emerald belt buckle, the Hope Diamond and other Jewels smuggled out of the Country and sold to finance his life after the impending over-throw. Sadly, for him , Sultan Abdul's younger brother caught wind of this plot and not only deposed him, but seized that cash.

Their story continues on, but here we follow the Emerald to Salomon Habib in 1908. It is kept quiet and hidden until 1950 where it makes it's Commercial Debut in a Christmas Catalogue by Tiffany. Restyled as a Brooch.

In 1955 it was purchased by Janet Annenberg Hooker. Heir to Annenberg Publications-which owned TV Guide as well as Seventeen Magazine. She gave the Emerald it's name...

75 ct Hooker Emerald

In 1977, the Hooker Emerald was donated to the Smithsonian. This was Her First Large Jewelry Donation of many, resulting in the building of the "Janet Annenberg Hooker Hall of Geology, Gems and Minerals" in Sept 1997.

Mrs. Hooker passed away just 3 months later.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sacred Emerald Buddha

Not to be confused with the"Emerald Buddha" in Wat Phra Keo in the Grand Palace of Bangkok, Thailand.  Which is actually not Emerald at all, but Green Jasper.
In 1434 lightning struck the Palace causing some of the stucco on the walls to flake away revealing a lustrous green stone.  This led to meticulous peeling of the remainder of the stucco revealing the "Emerald Buddha"...

The Sacred Emerald Buddha

In 1994, a large Emerald Crystal-3600cts LARGE-was found in Africa and then sent to Thailand.

Understandably, a bidding war ensued amongst dealers and designers.  The winning bidder envisioned a single sculpture of an image of Buddha.

Because of the shape of the crystal, and incidents around the World, "Harm Yhard" was chosen as the depiction.   Buddha scolding bickering Family members-in 2001 extremists of the Taliban destroyed the "Buddha of Bamiyan" in Afghanistan-seemed appropriate..."Stop quarreling amongst yourselves"

So Jadite carvers from Burma and China were screened, but because of security issues it was decided that relocating a carver from Mae Sot, Thailand was the best option. Aung Nyein,master Jadite carver,  was given the Job.

After weeks of study, planning measuring he made his first marking on the Emerald, but not before practicing on Aquamarine-because Aquamarine and Emerald are of the same gemological family-and Jadite stones.  Many weeks later Aung Nyien started the final polish with a fine Diamond Powder.

Finished in 2001, weighing 2,620ct, the "Sacred Emerald Buddha" was unveiled.

How big is 2,620ct?  6 inches high 2.62 inches wide

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Talisman of the Goddess Venus-EMERALDS

And May's Birthstone.

It is somewhat appropriate that this brilliant green stone would be the associated with the month of May, and it's Season of rebirth.  As a matter of fact Ancient Egyptians would carve scenes of gardens onto larger Emeralds as symbols of Fertility and Rebirth. Ancient Romans thought that lighter colored Emeralds were "unripe" so they valued the darker, richer tones as more mature and ready for use.

"Mature Emerald"

Cultures have Prized Emeralds for millenium,  including Gods and Goddesses.

Emeralds are the Talisman of Venus, Goddess of Love and Fertility. This stone is said to Enhance Unconditional Love and Protect against unfaithfulness-it actually rumored to lose it's inner glow when the wearer is untrue.

Also associated with Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods;  therefore, it is the Stone to give to Travelers.

One more reference, this time in regards to Feng Shui-the ancient Chinese Art of attracting positive energies to your home.
Place your Emeralds in the SE corner of your room if you are interested in Wealth Energies.
                                           SW corner of your room if you are interested in Relationship Energies
                                           N  corner of your room for Personal Growth and Journeys

I guess we know where Mercury and Venus put their Emeralds.
Where are yours?

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Biggest Fear

So if you were to ask any of my Friends or Family what my biggest Fear was, they would undoubtedly, unanimously and very quickly say, "SNAKES"-creeps me out a little just typing the word...SHIVER

And while it is true that I am afraid of snakes-PETRIFIED of snakes-there is one thing that can paralyze me even more...FEAR OF NOT BEING PERFECT.

It has kept me from trying many things in the past.
It has even made me doubt my Talent in Jewelry Design.

Well, No More.

I faced those Fears head on.  I started slowly with tables at Art Markets, displaying at any small store that would carry my Jewelry. And most recently, as you have been following-I hope-the opening of DeAndreaDesigns in Pittsburgh, PA.

The Grand Opening Celebration was 2 weeks ago. I think that I have fully recovered from the Excitement.  After seeing the support from my Friends, Family and Strangers even, I cannot deny the fact that I am on the Right Path.

I know I cannot be PERFECT, not even perfect. I am learning I don't even want to be. Who would?

Perfect. Predictable. Boring.

So maybe my Family and Friends are right. SNAKES ARE my biggest fear-not facing that one head on AT ALL.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I am at a crossroads. I started this Blog to document my Trials and Tribulations of getting my Store open.

Well, tomorrow evening is my Grand Opening Party. I have been open for 2 months, have paid bills for the Store, had repeat customers and I cannot wait to see what is going to happen tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

I am sure that there will be issues that come up-both Good and Bad-that I feel that I need to go on about.  And, trust me that I will-I hope you stick with me...LOL

Until that moment, I think that I will talk about some of the things that I Love. STONES. From time to time I will talk about what metaphysical properties different minerals have, or Specific Stones.

Tonight, the ONLY Perfect Diamond ever found and verified on Planet Earth.

Strawn-Wagner Diamond

A 3.09 ct Stone found not in any of the usual locations.
 Not South Africa-or any where on the African Continent at all.
Not India.
Not Australia.
Not even Siberia or Canada.
Nope this one was found right here in the United States, in Arkansas to be exact.

And to make it even more sensational, in a Public Search Field.  Someplace you or I could go to and sift, pan or dig for raw Gemstones.

In 1990, Shirley Strawn was digging around in the Crater of Diamond State Park in Murfreesboro, AR where she unearthed the RARE Stone-I used all capital letters because the Strawn-Wagner Diamond is a 1 in 1Billion Stone.

Only 3.09 carats but something extremely special, the stone-later too be called the Strawn-Wagner Diamond-was cut into a 1.09ct  "Ideal Cut", maximizing light refraction, and placed in a setting of Platinum and 24kt Gold.

Purchased by the Arkansas Dept of Parks and Tourism for $34,700 where is often on display at the Crater of Diamonds State Park...

Imagine watching a movie with a plot line like this. You would change the channel because it is so unbelievable.

You cannot make this stuff up!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Grand Opening


This Grand Opening is really turning into something Big.

I always knew I had some Great Friends and Family, and part of me thought that this party would be just to say, "ThankYou" to them.  And, of course, part of me Fantasized that it would end up be SRO.

Only  time will tell. Not a lot of time either. Saturday is the Big Night.
Tomorrow I have to start cleaning the Store-really cleaning-so I won't be too stressed come Saturday afternoon. I really want to be able to relax and enjoy the Evening.

There will be Friends and Family-that I know-of course. But looking at the RSVP list, there are quite a few people that I have never met, and many that I have gotten close to only through Facebook.

This is really going to be an Amazing night.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Back to Work

So I am started to get a little nervous.  I have been Open for 2 months now, and it is time to have a Grand Opening Celebration.

Grand Opening Invite

I have decided to take advantage of my Social Media Network-Twitter, Facebook and now here-to promote it.  I have  connected with over 400 people. Some I know just cannot make it because they simply do not live in the City, but I still have had over 40 confirmed guests.  And from what I remember about my Corporate Retail days, 10% is what you hope for.  Seems like I am definitely on the right track so far.

I have a little over 250 sq feet of floor space. That is not what is making me so nervous.

I have been selling some of my Statement Pieces-I am complaining about that.  It is like those episodes of Project Runway where they challenge the contestants to do an Avant Garde Piece and then ask them to do a Commercial version of it.
My "Avant Garde" Pieces are selling as well as my "Commercial" Pieces.

So I keep working a little more everyday. Because to do otherwise, is SIMPLY NOT an option.

Back to Work

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Large Diamond Found in West Virginia

OK, so it happened in 1928.

The Jones Diamond.
Ever hear about it?
It is ONLY the Largest Diamond ever found in the United States.

In 1928 William "Punch" Jones, then only 10, and His father, Grover, were playing Horseshoes at their home in Peterstown, West Virginia.  At some point in the afternoon Punch noticed what he thought of as a shiny pieces of Quartz-which is abundant in the area.  They proceeded to put it into a cigarbox and placed in the toolshed all through the Great Depression until 1942 when Punch brought the stone to a Professor at Va Tech.
He discovered the Truth of that afternoon with his Father...34.48 carats of Genuine Diamond. The large Diamond was placed in the Smithsonian where it was displayed until 1964.
In 1945 Punch, the eldest of 17, was tragically killed in WWII.  He left the Diamond to his Wife, infant Son and Parents.
After It's stint at the Smithsonian, It was removed and placed in a safe deposit box until 1984-with just a quick appearance at the 1968 World's Fair, when it was auctioned for $74,000.
During all this time, Grover, a school teacher in a one-room school house, never considered selling the Diamond out of respect for his Late Son.

Jone's Diamond