Thursday, March 14, 2013

Going Live

The other day at the restaurant, one of my co-workers came up to me and said that she had been looking at my Facebook Fan Page. She mentioned that the pictures that I post of my Jewelry are-in her opinion-pretty good, but there are not many pictures of people WEARING the Jewelry.

Turquoise & FineSilver Necklace
She is a photographer-I think I forgot to mention that-and offered to set up a photo shoot with actual Live models.

It is true. I do realize my mannequin, Esmeralda, does not count. She tends to outshine the Jewelry.

I will take her up on the offer. It will be great to see what my Work looks like on-in the “REAL” World.

I am one of those Designers that will do something that, in my head, looks great. Will photograph well. YET, until I get to see it on someone, I do not know realize the FULL Vision-I love it when my Sister visits because she is willing to try on every new piece in the Studio, even the ones that are not her Favorites...Mostly because she knows that I may not have seen it on.

I have also started taking videos of my pieces as well.  I guess that a YouTube Channel is in the near future as well.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Inspiration’s Birthday

Well, today is the Birthday of my Niece.

Ordinarily I would not tell Y’all that, but she is a big part of the reason that I am here today.
Without her crawling onto my lap about 5 years ago asking,

Micro-Cascading Swarovski 

“Will you make me a piece of Jewelry?”
“Sure, what do you want?”
“I don’t care”
DeAndreaDesigns would probably would not have gotten out off the Dining Room table.

I cannot imagine ever saying,  “No” to that little girl, who is not so little anymore.

She truly does inspire many of the pieces I do. Even the Larger Bolder Pieces-they are just grown up versions of what I would do for her, or Pieces that I see her wearing once she is Older.
I have even had to grow DOWN some Designs for her.