Thursday, December 8, 2011

More Ramblings of an Overly Tired Mind...

In the past, I have run businesses for other people.  Worked in commission-based environments where it imperative to manage/develop a clientele. Maintain relationships with people.


As I approach the end of my First full year of running DeAndreaDesigns as an actual brick and mortar store, I wonder why it has been so difficult for me to call myself a “Business Owner”?

I have finally gotten used to referring to myself as an “Artist”-that one took a very long time.  “Jewelry Designer” came along a little more easily. It was easy-very easy- to say I made Jewelry in my spare time, as a hobby.  It was said with Pride, almost boastful, I am ashamed to say.

But why the problem with identifying as “Business Owner” or “Artist”?  Even though I know that is what I am.
No lack of Confidence here...
Ruby Pendant and RubyQuartz Earrings
“Artist” sounded pretentious to my ear.  But, honestly, it was a lack of confidence in My Art...Was.

“Business Owner” sounds like I am putting on airs when I know that I have to continue to wait tables to make sure all the bills are paid on time.  I guess I get tired of answering the question of “why I am waiting tables if I own a store?”

In the past I was a waiter full-time who played with making jewelry. Mostly just as a hobby.  TODAY, I am a Business Owner trying to get established in a hostile economy while waiting tables on the side.

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