Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Mind Wanders

As I sit here in my empty Store this afternoon, looking out at the Cold Dreary Autumn Afternoon, I am wondering what this Winter has in store for me.

Pittsburghers are used to Cold and Dreary, but the first couple of days aways sends us to hibernation mode. Once we get used to it-or get our first taste of Snow, we realize it is not going to kill us. Besides if we stayed in every time the weather was a little uncooperative, we would NEVER leave our houses.

In the mean time I sit here all alone.
Is the construction of the new space ever going to finish so that I can move in?
Will I have to continue to wait tables overnight for an extended period of time to ensure the bills get paid on time?
Will my Internet sales pick up so that I am spending more time going back and forth to the Post Office?

Back to those bills-not such a big stack really, but big enough.
Fantasy kicks in. What will it take to allow me to stop waiting tables-can you tell that is one of my goals?

Allow me to focus completely on growing my Brand, but would either help to appreciate the Struggle of doing it on my own?

A PowerBall Win? 
A Gift from a Stranger?
Either would do it, and do it painlessly.

I have always said that if something comes too easily, you will ultimately take it for granted. So those solutions also scare me a bit.
That does not mean, however,  that I would not accept that Stranger’s Gift, or run to Harrisburg to collect my winnings.

I am just sitting here lost in the maze of my mind...

What would I do?
How do I do it?
What’s for dinner?
What is the meaning of Life-Yeah sometimes my mind takes a strange turn...LOL

Monday, October 17, 2011

You Will Reap What You Sow

“Reap what you Sow”...Those were the words that kept echoing through my dreams this evening.

I try my best to run a Business the way that I believe a Business should be run. With Customer Satisfaction as my Goal, not the bottom line-although I realize that is important as well.

I actually like when people come into the Store complete strangers, drawn for some inexplicable reason through my doors, yet leave a Friend-someone that will come back not only because they like my Jewelry and Art.  They return because they trust me, and enjoyed my company.

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” Galatians6:7-8

There are many out there that are Good, Genuine, Trustworthy, Appreciative of a Smile.   For these people, I do what I do.  
I am reminded of one lady in particular. She walked in DeAndreaDesigns a few weeks ago while on here walk, looked around. We started chatting. She stayed for 45 minutes and stops in Every Saturday, just to say “HI”.  The other day I met her Granddaughter, she did not want to leave.
This is why I do what I do.

There are people out there that are just out for themselves, and I feel sorry for them as they will always be wanting...I know they will try to take advantage of the way I run my Business, but you know what...I am going to continue to do things the way that I have been doing them.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Personal Style Part 2

Today I was talking with a friend, and she told me that I was creating a Monster-those were not the actual words that she used, but they could be considered inappropriate to some, although Funny. She said she was dressed to go out.  Looking Good.  Feeling Great.  Then she realized that she did not have a necklace to match what she was wearing.

This lead to a conversation about some of the women that come into DeAndreaDesigns and tell me that even though they LOVE my work they never wear Jewelry.  Or just plain do not have anywhere to wear something so Nice. I won’t bore you with anymore of our conversation.

Yes, I would LOVE to convert all of these women into the type of woman that has a Jewelry wardrobe that completely compliments their Clothing Wardrobe.  I do also understand that for many women that is just not an option, financially among other reasons. That is why I propose to these women that purchasing a single Signature Piece-something that defines YOU. 

Something that you will feel comfortable wearing Everyday, with Everything. 
Orange Sapphire by DeAndreaDesigns

I say start with a basic Silver Chain-and, yes, I am going to use my Jewelry as examples. Pair it with a Pendant that is Classic enough to wear with BlueJeans, yet Dressy enough to wear out with you Significant Other-or on the hunt for them. Make it the first thing you put on and the last thing that you take off. 

Doing this will give you a little more Sparkle to your personality, a little more confidence, a bit more “swagga" if you like.  You will become so accustomed to that extra bling that you will feel naked without.

And, eventually, you will want something to wear with that new blouse. Take that same Silver Chain and change the Pendant.  Simple as that.

Remember that if you cannot match the color, or do not feel comfortable with matching, choose something that is the exact OPPOSITE in color-i.e. Blue Blouse, Bright Orange Sapphire Necklace.

FineSilver Wrapped Opal Pendant
You will be amazed at how easy it is. How much FUN it is.  AND how relatively inexpensive it is.

Also, if you cannot afford a new wardrobe every year, change your earrings and necklace. This simple addition will spice up those pieces that you used to love but have grown a little weary of.  Add a Large Opal on Satin Cording to your Winter Turtlenecks.

And for all you women that say that you have nowhere to wear you Jewelry. I offer this to you little tidbit...My Mother wears Diamond Earrings-large enough to choke a horse-everyday to drive a school bus.

A PERFECT example of Signature Style.

AND I NEVER take off my WhiteTopaz Necklace-easily 5x larger than Mom’s Diamonds. 

Work, Fun, Scrubbing Toilets. All day. Everyday.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

3AM Sunday Morning Revelation

Another night where there are just too many ideas, thoughts, Dreams floating around in my head. I used to hate that. I would get frustrated that it was keeping me awake. There are still nights that I do get frustrated-especially when it is about bills and mundane everyday stuff.  However, I have learned that even those nights are to be embraced.   They are the catalyst for working towards finally achieving Peace.

It does not matter where you begin, ONLY that you begin. Once you set out on your Journey you must follow all the twists and turns of that Path.  Roll along with all the bumps.  Experience any setbacks as though they as the catapult tightening up to propel you to the next level.

If you can do this, something inherently Beautiful starts to take shape...Inner Peace, Tranquility, Happiness starts to take hold inside. AND even better people begin to see it. They want to be a part of it.

I have always thought that this came through in my designs, but now I want to make sure that it does.

DeAndreaDesigns Logo to immortalized in Twisted Silver

I have been trying to come up with a way to bring together my Logo, my Silver, and my wrapping into a Signature.  Like Gucci’s iconic “G”. Fendi’s “F”. Chanel’s “C”.  When you see their logo you know EXACTLY what you are seeing.  Somebody’s Dream come to fruition.
I do not pretend to be on the same level as those PowerHouses of Design. But maybe,  just Maybe Someday I will be. 

Tomorrow-technically later this morning-I am going to go into the Store and start playing with my Wire. I think that I have finally figured out how to meld MY Dream into my own Iconic Signature.

The challenge will be interpreting my sketches

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

OPAL-Tangible Rainbows

I have no idea where the month of September went.
Suddenly it is cooler and the leaves are changing colors-there was even snow in the mountains not too far from here the other day.
Boulder Opal wrapped in FineSilver

Yes, October is here.  And with October comes a new Birthstone. It is actually the perfect birthstone for this month as the leaves change, and we see color everywhere.  Opals have within them all the colors of the rainbow locked within.

Many Ancient Cultures have revered Opal.

Ancient Romans believed that Opals contained all of the light of Precious Gemstones within...

“You will see the living Fire of Ruby,
Glorious Purple of Amethyst, 
Sea Green of Emerald, 
all glittering together in an incredible mixture of light.”
                                                                     Pliny, 200BC

Australian Aborigines believed that the Creator came to Earth with a Message of Peace.  Walking upon a Rainbow Road, every place that his foot touched the ground small tangible pieces of that Rainbow Road were left.  There must have been locations where the Creator lingered longer than others.  These Opal Outcroppings became sacred spots to the Aborigines.

Throughout History Opals have been prized for their flashes of Color.
As a Stone of HOPE.
As a Stone of FORTUNE.
A Symbol of PURITY.

Whether your Birthstone or not a definite must have for any Collector of Gems/Jewelry.