Friday, November 25, 2011

Merry Christmas? Happy Holidays?

I am going to start with saying, I was brought up-and still consider myself Catholic. I have no problems with saying “Merry Christmas”.
I was brought up saying “Merry Christmas” to most and “Happy Hanukah” to those I knew to be Jewish. Only one person that I remember had an issue with “Merry Christmas”.

Happy Holidays from DeAndreaDesigns
That being said, I now say, “Happy Holidays” to most people.
BUT I will take my cue from you...If you say, “Merry Christmas” so will I.
If you say, “Happy Holidays” that is what I will respond with.
NOT because I am worried about offending someone, but because I want to encompass the ENTIRE Holiday Season.

From Halloween, to Valentine’s Day-or pushing it through to St. Patrick’s Day, and everything in between no matter what religious affiliation you are-or are not.

I Love this time of year. Not only because of the Birth of Jesus-and yes I know that with the Study of the Stars, Jesus was born in Summer-but the essence of Good Will and Celebration that permeates this time of year.
Also because the weather is changing so that I can break out my favorite sweaters, boots, and coats...
Everything is so Sparkly-the lights, the frost, the snowflakes...
People seem to remember to be pleasant to one another-whether it is genuine or not? I don’t care. It is still nice.

The Holiday Season seems to bring out the Best in most people.

So if I see you on the Street and tell you “Have a Happy Holiday” please do not be offended-or think I am too PC...I just want you to enjoy the Season completely.

From the start of this Season until the end of it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holiday Kick-Off

Another week is drawing to a close.

It is really remarkable how quickly these weeks go by. Before we know it Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice will be upon us.

Friday Night I am going to be taking a night off from waiting tables to Celebrate my First “Holiday Kick-Off Sale”. I chose this particular night because it is the City of Pittsburgh’s official start of the Holiday Season, celebrated with events all over the City and culminating with Fireworks. As a draw to my Event I did “spin” that a little, saying that the City was providing Fireworks after my Event...LOL...I figure it is the least that they can do, seeing how I am obligating myself to stay in Pittsburgh for at least another year.

Somedays, it takes everything I have not to run down to the Amtrak station with my Jewelry and Display stands-and only my Favorite Jeans, Sweaters, and Boots-and head anywhere West.  Then I realize that I am not 25 anymore and that I really want to make DeAndreaDesigns, the Store, a success before deciding what the next step is in my plan of World Domination-well I would settle for paying the bills without having to rely on a restaurant to help.

I think my mind is wandering again.

It will happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but no matter how long it is going to take I am in it for the long haul. AND I am going to Love being able to sleep all night long-or rather staying home all night, or going out because I want to not because I have to.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Citrine...A Gift from the Sun

Citrine with Button Pearls and Swarovski 
November is here already.
New Month. New Birthstone...CITRINE

This month’s Stone is a “Gift from the Sun”.  Now I came across  that reference a couple of times, but never with any explanation of it’s origins.  So I am going to make something up.

I figure that it is because of the Gorgeous Golden tones of a Citrine are so reminiscent of the Sun, and much needed on these shorter colder November afternoons.

Also know as the "Merchant Stone”, legend has it that Citrine has the ability to attract money through sales. If you are to keep a Citrine in a cash box, your wealth is sure to increase.
Guess what I keep in my cash register?
That is right, a Beautiful Golden Citrine.
I suppose it is working, as I still have my doors open.  There is no way that I am not going to risk taking it out of there.  However,  I am also still in need of waiting tables overnight.