As this year comes to an end, and I get ready to celebrate yet another birthday, I look toward the upcoming year and try to chart the path forward.
What exactly does that look like?
Well, first, let’s look back at this past year.
Every Friday at a Farmer’s Market during the Summer allowed me to meet many new artist friends. As well as, pay attention to WHO was purchasing/ interested in my Jewelry. The Farmer’s Market also allowed me to expand my audience by being invited to a variety of other Events.
Some NEW Designs.
It has been a year of growth. As an Artist. As an individual.
I think that I know the path DeAndreaDesigns will be taking.
Retail-a shop within a shop. Where I do not have to be the face of DeAndreaDesigns, I can be the brain and the vision BEHIND DeAndreaDesigns.
I have signed a lease for this upcoming year at just such a place. The hope/dream is that I am successful enough to have multiple locations in multiple cities.
Finally becoming the Stay at home Puppy Daddy/Jewelry Designer that I have dreamed of. AND maybe a couple more dogs in the process.
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