Sunday, February 23, 2014

But, It Is A Cop-out

I have been having trouble sleeping again.
I KNOW there is a design gestating.
I can ALMOST see it. Although, it does keep changing-a bit.
I actually think that this “Design” will be more than just one-It can be a NEW “Line”.
I have a feeling that it is going to be something that can catapult DeAndreaDesigns into the Mainstream.
Why am I not down in the Studio trying to get this one done???

Well, part of it is that supplies are running low. There is not enough Silver to really be experimenting with something NEW. If I think on this one a little more, I will be able to just jump into it. Finish it. No waste.
That sounds good, but it is a cop out.

I have been tired lately. I have picked up a few more shifts at the restaurant since the foot traffic in the Studio has dropped off-it has been really too cold for people to be walking around. With the colder weather, the restaurant is slower too. So a couple more shifts will help to cover the difference.
I tell myself, “You do what You gotta”
That sounds good, but it is a cop out.

Tomorrow is a Bead Show that I have been looking forward to for weeks. I am really looking forward to seeing Raw Materials. Possibilities. I am excited to see what Design variations will be inspired.
That sounds good, but it is a cop out.

Truth be told, I can feel that something BIG is coming. Success is right around the corner. AND, there is something about that that scares Me.

BUT, it will not defeat me.
I WILL persevere.
I WILL Succeed.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Amethyst Earrings, 7.5 ct total by
The February-born shall find
Sincerity and peace of mind,
Freedom from passion and from care,

If they an Amethyst will wear.

February is almost half over. 
Did you remember what happens in the middle of this month?
Valentine’s Day.
Yep. The one day of the year when Husbands and Boyfriends STRESS over buying THE Perfect Gift. THE Perfect Expression of their Love. 
If it were not so sad to watch their agitation, it would be fun to watch.
BUT, we have all been there at one time or another. So there is no humor.

It was so much easier thousands of years ago when people celebrated Lupercalia-not Valentine’s Day
Lupercalia,very simply the Festival of Sexual License. Young Girls would place their names into a container where the boys of the village would draw those names. The “Couples” would then engage in erotic games at Festivals and Parties throughout the year. 

This continued in one form another until around 500 A.D. As the Catholic Church slowly adapted the existing traditions to their own. St Valentine’s Day is born.
Young couples were still the focus, with young men starting to send exclamations of their Love adorned with Hearts and Cupids.

And Now the STRESS to find THE Perfect Gift for You Loved One