Tuesday, January 28, 2014


While perusing Facebook today, I came across a  story about a Large Diamond found in Angola.

95.45 ct Rough Diamond...I was intrigued
95.45 ct Rough Diamond
What does it look like?
Just how big is it?
What does it look like? LOL

After looking at this Diamond from the Lucapa Diamond Company, that looks just like a rock. I started looking at other Rough Gems.
Many look just like any other stone that you-well, I-would walk right past.

Now I wanna know who was the first person to think to Polish a Stone? Let alone Facet one?
I have actually been wondering this for quite awhile.

I guess that I will be going to my old Friend.

Google, here I come...BUT, I think that will have to wait until this head cold passes.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Love/Hate Relationship

Garnet Earrings by DeAndreaDesigns
"By her who in this month (January) is born
No gem save Garnets should be worn;
They will ensure her constancy,
True friendship, and fidelity."

I just realized how long it has been since I last wrote.
You would think that with the Holidays being over-Well, except for Valentine’s Day-that I would have been able to find more time to keep up with all of these things that I Love.
BUT, between trying to replenish the Pieces that were sold in December and working my restaurant shifts. January is almost over.

I have a Love/Hate relationship with that place-the restaurant.  
Love that fact that it allows me to spend so much time in the Studio doing what I Love.
I Hate the fact that it takes so much time away from doing what I Love...

By spending as much time as I do at the restaurant DeAndreaDesigns continues to grow, and attract more Fans.

I gave myself One singular goal for 2013. One that would allow me to spend more time in the Studio, and in turn grow DeAndreaDesigns even more. Paying off a portion of CC debt will allow me to spend more time doing just that. Sadly, the way that I paid off that debt was by working in the restaurant. 

Again that Love/Hate.

I still cannot believe that January is almost over.