Traditionally the birthstone for November-I know I am very late-Citrine is a pale yellow to amber yellow colored Quartz.
Citrine has been valued as a gemstone since the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greece-323 BC to 146 AD. Often used in Intaglio relief carvings-images carved or "impressed" into the gem. Medieval Scots and Celts valued Citrine as protection from plague and evil thoughts. Even protection from venomous snakebites. 17th century Scots used Citrine to decorate the hilts of their dirks or daggers.
Historically, Citrine has been believed to accumulate wealth. Many merchants would, therefore, keep a piece of Citrine in a box to attract wealth through sales. Hence a "merchant's stone". Citrine also helps to motivate individuals to action, bringing optimism and cheerfulness-also
helpful to the merchant achieve success.
Almost all Citrine that you find in the marketplace today has been treated to achieve it's color, usually low-grade Amethyst or Smokey Quartz is heated or "burned" until that golden yellow color is achieved. Heated Citrine has a reddish tint and a subtle striping-natural Citrine does not.
Could not hurt to keep a small piece in your wallet. Don't you think?